The unanimity around the World Cup and around the sport is a phenomenon so amazing and disturbing that it must be questioned. A unique discourse, as in the totalitarian societies of the past, envelops society: the sporting discourse. It occupies more and more space, becoming invasive. Sport is no longer an entertainment, a simple spectacle, it is no longer an ancillary activity in humanity, it has settled in the central place of the contemporary world. For many of our contemporaries, it is the most important thing in life. Now with the NBA중계 you can surely have the best deals are there in live broadcasts.
The Role of Sports
The sport makes visible everywhere and at every moment, the soul of the modern world: the passion of the unlimited, the always more. What is the law of this world, of which a famous formula of Descartes – “to make us like masters and possessors of the nature” kicked off? Here it is: the refusal of the limit, the finitude, the pursuit of “always more”. The modern world is under the influence of the quantitative, the number.
Sport is analogous to capital: It must always surpass itself, existing only for self-transcendence. Not only does it demand every day performance beyond those of the previous day, but it also claims more and more spectators, always more ratings, always more money, more events. It is a machine to fuel the vertigo of the quantitative. Sport cannot stand the limit, this hatred of the boundary signaling the salient feature distinguishing Western modern civilization from all others. In modernity, human existence marries the outlines of capital – it is required of it to do more and more, to run faster, to live longer, to work harder, to earn more and more money, to improve one’s performance, to stay young as long as possible, and longer and longer as the generations pass. Sport is a massive propaganda for these demands.
For the Modern Men
Modern man sees in the limit the enemy whom it is important to overcome, and who nevertheless resists. He fights against the limit as the ascetic of long ago against temptation. He sees it as the Devil preventing him from being a man. She is the enemy of every moment – of which he knows well that, in the form of death, she will eventually have the last word. The sport illustrates, in continuous flow, this battle of every moment. The indefatigable popularity of sport can be explained by this: it is the image of the constant preoccupation of the contemporary human being, all striving to push back the limits of his strength, of age, of aging, of death.
Sports and Religion
Catholic, everyone knows, means universal with a planetary ambition: in the wake of the Roman Empire, which gave it its matrix, appeared in the place of Rome itself, the Catholic Church, which asserts universal assembly. Sport, in its own way, takes over from the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church. He seeks to conjoin the idea of the Empire and the idea of the Church, spouses in universality and the government of souls.