Difference Between Post Tensioned Concrete and Asphalt Tennis Court

A post-tension (PT) concrete tennis court gets its name from the construction method. The wires or tendons that run from one end of the court to the other are covered with concrete. As the concrete hardens, these cables are mechanically tightened. This method creates tension loads within the concrete, which prevents significant cracks from forming on asphalt tennis courts. The tennis court contractors design such courts for professional players or practice matches.

The main advantage of PT courts over standard asphalt courts is their durability. An asphalt court will endure roughly ten years. PT courts, on the other hand, can last for up to 25 years. It’s worth noting that any hard surface court, whether asphalt or PT concrete, will require resurfacing every five years or so. Before resurfacing, any cracks in asphalt courts must be corrected. Each time you resurface, you’ll incur additional costs and time, eliminating PT concrete courts.

Asphalt Tennis Court

On an asphalt tennis court, play is normally medium-slow; however, the asphalt is frequently used as a base for another surface. In this case, the top surface will influence the ball’s pace and bounce. The playing quality of asphalt surfaces varies significantly depending on the installation standard. It is influenced by a number of different variables. This type of court is less used by professionals as compared to PT courts. One can find these courts in universities or schools.

An asphalt tennis court may be used in any season and, if built properly, should last a long time. If the court shrinks, the asphalt is prone to breaking down or cracking, causing the surface to become uneven. In some cases, it results in puddling and unpleasant playing conditions.


Many individuals asked about how does the court size affects a tennis game? It is so because a court size allows players to play freely and without any complications. Currently, the cost of constructing a PT court is around 1.5 times that of constructing an asphalt court. However, this might vary depending on the number of courts required and other considerations. Because PT courts last more than twice as long as asphalt courts, you’ll get a lot of bang for your buck. Only by not replacing PT court with asphalt court. PT concrete courts can also be built on top of existing courts, saving money by avoiding the need to remove the current court.