Smartest Options For the Playground Options

Whether you prefer to opt for an indoor inflatable playground or the outdoor alternative, in principle the necessary equipment costs around 25,000 dollars. To this sum you will then have to add the cost related to the personnel in which are included both the personnel in charge of the management of the premises and the animators. Regarding the room, all the expenses related to the rent, to the management of the utilities and to the possible updating of both the plants and the premises as a whole must obviously be taken into account. Regarding 안전놀이터 this is one very important deal now.

The Smart Options

Not to be underestimated are also the expenses that must be incurred both for the organization of the marketing campaign and the party to be organized to inaugurate the new inflatable playground. As you can easily imagine, this is certainly not a paltry expense that, however, could be easily amortized as long as you start off on the right foot. As regards, instead, the bureaucratic process, it is useful to take into account the fact that it is not at all complicated.

  • In essence, we have to deal with the same procedure necessary to activate any other business of a commercial nature. The first and most important thing to do is to open the VAT number. To do this, simply contact the reference office of the revenue agency or your trusted accountant. Then you will have to proceed with the registration in the business register and with the communication of the beginning of your activity to the Municipality of reference. Not to forget, then, is the opening of various positions with social security institutions.

The Smart Options

We will have to go, therefore, both to INPS and INAIL to attend to all the necessary practices. Since this is an activity that has children directly involved, you will also have to proceed with the request to your municipality of reference for the authorization and license. Furthermore, you will have to worry about obtaining a certificate of viability as well as, of course, complying with all hygiene regulations.

In reference, then, to safety, we will have to comply with all the fire protocols. To be able to open, all the architectural barriers must also be removed in order to allow access to the inflatable playground also for the disabled. Furthermore, all games must be equipped with the appropriate certification and the premises must be equipped with all the necessary emergency exits in accordance with the law.

Even the floors must be not only fireproof but also child-proof. In any case, the inflatable playground must be equipped with an accident insurance and for the so-called civil responsibility concerning both the little ones and the experts. Finally, it is useful to point out that the size of the space must be adequate for the number of children who intend to host as well as the changing rooms and the services must be.

Communication Campaign And Marketing Strategies

Certainly, an aspect that should not be overlooked by those who intend to open an inflatable playground is that relating to communication. If, as is true, advertising is the soul of commerce, what better way to attract children than an excellent communication campaign? In this regard, it is useful to point out that the best thing to do is to leave nothing to chance.